Currently Under Repair

Hello friends, sorry I’ve been MIA (missing in action) for the last couple of weeks or so. My macbook has been down and I got it fixed and then it crashed again 😦 Have to go get it fixed again tomorrow. However, I missed you all and thought I’ll write something.

This past weekend, US had a long weekend – meaning 3 day weekend. I did not go anywhere. I was local, did some spring cleaning, chilled with friends. The highlight of my weekend was my hike in the Pinnacles. I did a total of 3 or 4 hikes ranging from moderate or strenous and relatively flat to extremely steep and narrow. In totality, I hiked 12 miles and covered an elevation of around 2000 to 3000 ft. I will write another detailed post or maybe start a travel blog because I want to share the amazing photos I took throughout the hike. I shall do that as soon as I get my macbook repaired so that I can first download my photos, go through the entire collection and choose the best to be shared

About One Change At A Time

Me - I just want to spread goodness and happiness... one good deed at a time.
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6 Responses to Currently Under Repair

  1. “My macbook has been down and I got it fixed and then it crashed again”. Hmm. Get a PC!! 🙂

    • I knew you’d say that! 😛

      • This post just proves that the most expensive computers aren’t always the best…

      • Dear A, my laptop is being fixed free of cost. 🙂 I am sorry to disagree with you, but unlike Windows machines, Mac computers are bundled with a lot more useful stuff which justifies the price. Plus, knock-on-wood, this is the first time my macbook gave me any problem whatsoever in 4.5 years of owning it. 🙂 I read this interesting article on how susceptible the mac and windows machines are to viruses. Check it out: times-business

      • Hanna says:

        Thanks for that link about Mac. Wow… I think I should get a Mac for myself? 🙂

  2. Hanna says:

    You are very strong! THat is alot of hiking!!!!!!! Wow :).
    Yes, get a PC or at least a laptop 😉

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